Thursday, September 29, 2016


Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 139-140.
     3.  What do you do when you are bored?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 127-128.
     3.  Write about things that make you smile.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Fourth graders are learning how plants create food through the process of photosynthesis.

Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 121-122.
     3.  If you could have a super power, what would it be?  Explain.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Descriptive Writing

Fourth graders are learning how to create more effective descriptive writing.

Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 117-118.
     3.  Write a description of your bedroom.  Your description must be at least 100 words long.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Literary Elements

Fourth graders are learning about literary elements, such as character, plot and theme.

Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 105-106.
     3.  Pick your favorite character from Wringer.  Write a description of him or her.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Small Moments

Fourth graders are continuing to learn about small moments stories.  Small moment stories zoom in on one moment in time.

Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 103-104.
     3.  Why would anyone want to be president?

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Subraction is Addition

Fourth graders have been deepening their understanding of subtraction.

Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 97-98.
     3.  What is the nicest thing you have ever done for someone else?

Monday, September 19, 2016

Rural, Suburban, Urban

Fourth graders are learning about how different communities in California can be categorized as rural, suburban or urban.

Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 91-92.
     3.  What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Estimating Sums and Differences

Fourth graders are learning how to use estimation.

Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 83-84.
     3.  What is the most important invention?  Explain.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mental Math

There are many different strategies you can use to make mental math easier.

Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 77-78.
     3.  Are you a good friend?  What makes you think so?

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Small Moments Stories

Fourth graders are learning to write small moment stories.  In small moment story we focus on one specific moment in time.  For example, a small moment would be eating a ball park frank during a baseball game - not the baseball game as a whole.

* Note:  Band starts tomorrow.  Bring your instruments.

 Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 71-72.
     3. What does it mean to be a friend?

Monday, September 12, 2016


Yesterday was the fifteenth anniversary of the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks on our country.  In memory of the brave people who lost their lives that day, Rio Vista fourth graders are making a 9-11 Memorial Quilt.  Each students will draw one square of the quilt.  We will then put all the squares together.

 Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 65-66
     3.  Why is it important for us to remember 9-11?

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Chess is a great game.  Playing chess teaches you logic and attention to detail.  All the Rio 4th and 5th grade students who come to me for our daily rotation class have been learning how to play.  It's a fun way to learn!

 Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 55-56.
     3.  What is the best present you have ever gotten?  What made it the best?

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What is a Coward?

 Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 49-50
     3.  Ask three people "what is a coward?" and record their answers.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

What Is a Hero?

  Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 47-48.
     3.  Ask three people "what makes a hero?" and record their answers.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Come to Back-to-School Night

We have our annual Rio Vista Back-to-School Night this evening.  Please plan on attending.  Mrs. Garnica will introduce the staff at 5:45 in the Rio cafeteria.  You may then visit classrooms.  I will be giving a presentation to parents at 6:40 in room D4.

     Today's homework:
     1.  Read for half an hour.
     2.  Math p. 41-42.
     3.  Come to Back-to-School Night.