Fourth graders are participating in a program called Daily 5. Students work independently on different literacy activities.
Today's homework:
1. Read for half an hour.
2. Math p. 15-16.
3. One Special Thing. Pick one special thing that tells us something about you. Either bring that thing in or bring a drawing or photograph of it. Write a brief explanation of why you chose it.
Today we started working with our fourth grade My Math text. All students have been set-up with access to the online version. I will be giving students their individual logon codes this week.
Go to and use the code to login. You will be able to see the student book and access all the online features, including math practice games and videos that go with each lesson.
Today's homework:
1. Math: p. 3-4.
2. Read for half an hour.
Today's homework:
1. Goal Setting. Think of three things you would like to do or accomplish this year in fourth grade. Write down your goals and a brief explanation why.